Meet our friendly, experienced counselors at Bob Hartley’s Camp Mountain Heart! Our entire team is dedicated to helping your child feel at home at camp, reach their fullest potential and have fun. Our counselors include pediatric cardiologists, pediatric nurse practitioners, pediatric intensive care nurses, psychologists and certified school teachers so that you can rest easy that your child is with experts in the area of pediatric cardiology.
Camp Directors, Tracy Coup, PNP and Amanda Rhodes have been involved with the camp for many years. They are joined each year by experienced counselors including physicians, nurses, former campers and community members. Dr. Larry Rhodes, a Pediatric Cardiologist at West Virginia University Children’s Hospital, has been a counselor since 1996. Our counselors are experienced in all aspects of pediatric cardiovascular medicine providing a safe environment for your camper to experience independence and activities that are both fun and create confidence. Camp Mountain Heart affords parents and guardians the ability to relax knowing that their children are well supervised and in capable medical hands!